It is incensed I am. Just tried to download the opt out form so the surveillance society can't put my health records on their all pervasive data base and the bloody printers run out of ink!
The sheer arrogance of these nameless and faceless morons in making me have to opt out of something I have not agreed to is something that requires immediate action from everybody.
1. Send a plague of festering camel turds to all NHS managers. ( Too many managers and not enough turds )
2. Disband the entire fascist health system. ( Making 'Call me Dave & Nick the Dick ' agree would take time )
3. Change name by deed poll and join BUPA. ( Deed Poll part run by government and therefore too damn expensive )
4. Ring GP practise and demand that they send form enclosing a stamped address envelope.
I'll try option 4 but what's the betting that the surgery has either no forms to send or, tries delaying tactics until they've managed to sneak all the relevant details onto their Chekist database.
Iranium: The Movie
14 years ago
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